A Europa-Universität Flensburg, socia da Alianza EMERXE, na que participa a Universidade da Coruña, organiza un curso Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP), no que o estudantado terá a opción de conseguir 3 ECTS en actividades formativas de mobilidade internacional. Como se trata dunha mobilidade de curta duración, podense empregar os fondos Erasmus+ de curta mobilidade, dispoñibles en neste enlace.
The Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) Science, Art and Sports as a common European Language (3 ECTS) brings students from different countries into beautiful Flensburg to prepare a school lesson in international teams and hold it in a German school.
The programme is open to BA and MA students of all subjects, especially teacher training students, and comprises two online meetings in March/April and a week in Flensburg (31.03.-04.04.2025). The language of instruction is English (no language certificate required).
During the week in Flensburg, the social programme ensures that you will get the most out of your experience by discovering our historical city at the Baltic Sea, right at the border to Denmark, and by creating unforgettable memories with your fellow students.
Participation is free of charge. Please check with your home university for possible Erasmus+ BIP funding to cover travel expenses, accommodation etc.
Apply before 31st January 2025 by sending a short letter of motivation to the programme organizers Kerstin Hansen and Tobias Sohr: kerstin.hansen@uni-flensburg.de, tobias.sohr@uni-flensburg.de
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Flensburg!