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Curso académico 2024-2025
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- Calendario de TFG e TFM 2024-2025
- Calendario MURA 2024-2025
- Cambios de grupo 2º C 2024-2025
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- Coordinación horizontal 2024-2025
- ETSAC in English 2023-2024
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- Horario GEA 2º | 1º C 2024-2025
- Horario GP 2º | 1º C 2024-2025
- Horario MUA 2º | 1º C 2024-2025
- Horario MURA 2º | 1º C 2024-2025
- Horario semana FETSAC 2023-2024
- Organización de grupos 2º C 2024-2025
- Plan de Acción Titorial
- Schedule GEA 2º | 1º C 2024-2025
- Traballo Fin de Grao
Curso académico 2023-2024
Titulacións de grao
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Normativa | Formularios | Impresos
Dixital ETSAC
Dixital UDC
Arquivo in_English
Workshop RÍA DE AROUSA: David Chipperfield architects
Publicado en 11 Maio, 2016 | Non hai comentariosWorkshop RÍA DE AROUSA: David Chipperfield architects. An environmental study for development and protection of the territory / Un estudo ambiental para o desenvolvemento e protección do territorio. Location […] -
Lecture by Patricia Muñiz: Emergency and transitional, Syria
Publicado en 7 Marzo, 2016 | Non hai comentariosWhen: 9 Marzo, 2016 @ 12:30Where: ETSAC Auditorium, level 0Lecture by Patricia Muñiz Núñez: Emergency and transitional. Syria, supported by Architectural Analysis 2 and ETSAC in English. Open to everybody Venue: ETSAC auditorium, level 0 Date: Wednesday March[...]
Welcome event: Joint Graduate Design Project, 3rd edition at ETSAC
Publicado en 7 Marzo, 2016 | Non hai comentariosThe third edition of the Joint Graduate Design Project between the schools of architecture of Harbin Institute of Technology, HIT China, and University of A Coruña, UDC, will take place […] -
Preview of 2016-17 ETSAC in English / Avance de ETSAC in English para o curso 2016-17
Publicado en 4 Marzo, 2016 | Non hai comentariosPreview of subjects to be offered as part of the 2016-17 ETSAC in English programme. More information: 2016-17 ETSAC (in English) subjects http://www.udc.gal/ori/internacionalizacion/programmesinenglish/content/facultades/architecture.html?language=en Avance das materias que se ofertarán […] -
Joint Graduate Design Project: 3rd edition at ETSAC
Publicado en 2 Marzo, 2016 | Non hai comentariosWhen: 7 Marzo, 2016 – 11 Marzo, 2016 all-dayWhere: Auditorium and classroom 4IAThe third edition of the Joint Graduate Design Project between the schools of architecture of Harbin Institute of Technology, HIT China, and University of A Coruña, UDC, will take[...]
ETSAC 2011-15: Memoria de actividades / Activities report
Publicado en 25 Setembro, 2015 | Non hai comentariosA ETSAC presenta a súa memoria de actividades do período, 2011-15, estruturada nos seguintes apartados: actividade académica, concursos e premios, eventos, exposicións, palestras e publicacións. Todas as actividades […] -
ETSAC in English 2015-16: Academic groups
Publicado en 4 Setembro, 2015 | Non hai comentarios1st YEAR ENGLISH GROUP 2nd YEAR ENGLISH GROUP 3rd YEAR ENGLISH GROUP 4th YEAR ENGLISH GROUP Centro de Linguas da UDC: resultados probas de Inglés *The groups […] -
ETSAC in English 2015-16: General information
Publicado en 15 Maio, 2015 | Non hai comentariosA CORUÑA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE (ETSAC) is a well-known public academic institution with a 40-year experience and considered among the top schools in Spain. ETSAC has been offering both local […] -
HIT-UDC Joint Graduate Design Project at ETSAC
Publicado en 14 Maio, 2015 | Non hai comentariosWhen: 17 Maio, 2015 – 22 Maio, 2015 all-dayWhere: ETSAC auditorium, level 0 / Salón de actos da ETSAC, andar 0The second edition of the Joint Graduate Design Project will take place at ETSAC from May 18th to May 22nd. This is a joint academic experience between the schools of[...]
Launching of AA blog / Lanzamento do blog de Análise Arquitectónica
Publicado en 22 Abril, 2015 | Non hai comentariosLaunching of AA blog on Earth Day 2015: Architectural Analysis blog promoted by prof. Plácido Lizancos and his team. Here you can find AA speech, some dissertations and a selection […]