Comunicado | Notice COVID-19 14.03.2020 11:00

Estimada Comunidade ETSAC,
En atención as cuestións que van chegando a esta dirección, e tralas consultas oportunas, debemos precisar o seguinte:
  • suspéndense as seguintes actividades desde mañán venres día 13 de marzo (incluído) ata o vindeiro 30 de marzo:
  1. Docencia presencial: incluíndo as actividades docentes prácticas que se desenvolven en organismos e institucións educativas e sanitarias. Suspéndese as defensas de teses e TFM e TFG.
  2. Extensión universitaria: incluíndo as actividades culturais e deportivas
  3. Actividades científicas: incluíndo os cursos, xornadas, seminarios, congresos, conferencias, etc.
  4. Actividades de formación continua do PAS e do PDI
  5. Procesos selectivos.
  6. Reunións presenciais dos órganos colexiados.
  • os edificios, tanto da ETSAC como o de Departamentos, permanecerán abertos no horario habitual. O alumnado que o precise poderá acceder para recoller as súas pertenzas.
  • supéndense asimesmo tódalas actividades que supoñan a presencia dun número elevado de persoas.
Lémbrase que todas esta medidas tómanse como medida de precaución.
As novedades sobre as medidas adoitadas pola UDC respecto desta crise sanitaria poden seguirse en:
Lémbrase tamén que calquera membro da comunidade que dea positivo na doenza ou estea afectado por medidas de confinamento ou corentena, debeo comunicar inmediatamente mediante un correo ao servizo de prevención de riscos de udc:


Dear ETSAC Community,

In attention to the questions that are coming to this management team, and after the appropriate consultations, we must specify the following:

  • The following activities are suspended from Friday morning, March 13 (inclusive) until March 30:
  1. Face-to-face teaching: including the practical teaching activities that are carried out in educational and healthcare institutions. The thesis and TFM and TFG defenses are suspended.
  2. University extension: including cultural and sports activities.
  3. Scientific activities: including courses, conferences, seminars, congresses, lectures, etc.
  4. Continuous training activities of the Administrative Staff and the faculty.
  5. Selective processes.
  6. Meetings of the government teams.
  • Our Buildings, both the ETSAC building and Office Building, will remain open during regular hours. Students who need it can access to collect their belongings.
  • All activities involving the presence of a large number of people are also cancelled.

Remember that all these measures are taken as a precautionary measure.
The news about the measures taken by the UDC regarding this health crisis can be followed at:

It is also necessary to remember that any member of the community who is positive about the disease or is affected by confinement or quarantine measures should immediately notify it by emailing the udc risk prevention service: